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Download & Read Free Ebook Of Off The Page By Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer

Hey! Before downloading this free ebook of Between The Line By Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer , Why not you read my review on this book first. Who knows maybe after reading the review you will be more interested to read this ebook.

Love from me.





On the way to get Oliver to Zhang’s room for Chemistry class, there was a commotion happened between Allie and Ryan who had just broken up. Then, James, the president of LGBT interrupted and made Ryan shoved him into the wall. Oliver watched this and rushed towards James who’s now sprawled on the ground then, extended a hand and helped James up. James thanked Oliver for the help however, everything changed when Oliver said that “Fairies here are much bigger than I expected”. That made James socked Oliver hard so that he had fallen backwards, knocked out cold then Delilah saw a trickle of black from his nose, the stain on his white shirt. He’s inking!!!


Oliver headed downstairs and turned to the the staircase, nearly colliding with just the person he hoped to find. He was James. Oliver said sorry for saying the wrong things to him and James accepeted his apology and told him that he should think about joining LGBT Alliance.
On this chapter, Allie got interested with Oliver or as known as Edgar. She gave her number to Oliver by writing a series of numbers on Oliver’s forearm. Delilah discovered that when  her fingers slided down to Oliver’s wrist, pulling his hand up so, she could read what was written on his skin.


Edgar was sad because he felt that he could be just as much of a disappointment in the world of this book as he was in reality. He missed his mother  so much and felt nobody liked him,  nobody liked his story, and even nothing was going the way as he planned.

The sentences that I like the most!!!
Think about the last time you got a new shirt? What made it new? That the tag still itched? That it smelled like the store not detergent? That you were not used seeing it hanging in your closet when opened the door? That you wanted to wear it more than any of your other clothes because it was unique? At some point, that shirt stopped being special. At some point, it became just another shirt in your wardrobe. When does something stop being new? When does it start being yours?


Oliver’s relationship with Delilah became more complicated when she saw Oliver kissing Allie on the stage in front of her. Oliver raced after Delilah and explained to her that it was just a role that he should be played like he kissed Seraphima. There was nothing more than it. But it seemed like Delilah could not accept that so, she just walked away with tears falling down her cheeks.


Delilah could not accept the fact that she would share Oliver with everyone else. But love was something that cannot be denied even it always made you hurt but you still looked for it. It happened to Delilah as all her problems with Oliver solved just by a lovely kiss from someone that she really adored of, Oliver.


Edgar went to Orville’s cottage to ask for help as Frump began changing into hound again. Then, the letters are tracing themselves onto the canvas, “I NEED YOU”. As Delilah and Oliver watched that, the letters soak into the canvas, disappearing like invisible ink. But, suddenly, Delilah’s room was flooding with the black loops and curls of letters.  Rapscullio grabbed the canvas and smashed it against the rock wall of the cave and punched his boot through the center head.  Fortunately, Jessamyn was fine as Oliver immediately phoned Delilah’s mother for help.


Edgar was annoyed with Humphrey who always followed him around. So, he went to the tower where Seraphima imprisoned in this story to hide from Humphrey. Edgar was shocked to see Seraphima who looked so messy and looked like it has been days since her last shower. But when Seraphima was dipping her finger into a hinged enamel pillbox with the words “Heart’s desire” written on it, she touched the makeup to her lips. Then, Seraphima convulses and her lips part. Smoke snakes from her throat, spelling out five letters “FRUMP”.




Sixteen-year-old Delilah is finally united with Oliver—a prince literally taken from the pages of a fairy tale. There are, however, complications now that Oliver has been able to enter the real world. To exist in Delilah’s world, Oliver must take the place of a regular boy. Enter Edgar, who agrees to take Oliver’s role in Delilah’s favorite book. In this multilayered universe, the line between what is on the page and what is possible is blurred, but all must be resolved for the characters to live happily ever after. Includes twelve full-color illustrations, and black-and-white decorations throughout.

Full of humor and witty commentary about life, Off The Page is a stand-alone novel as well as a companion to the authors’ bestseller Between the Lines, and is perfect for readers looking for a fairytale ending.


A great contribution to the ever versatile YA fiction genre… A follow-up to their 2012 collaboration Between The Lines Off the Page also stands alone perfectly, introducing quirky teenage characters dealing with an even quirkier literary situation as the fairy tale world and the real world collide… Together these authors manage to make these characters not only likeable, but believable through an unlikely series of events.

It’s same like Between The Line which was a very entertaining book, but that’s about it. If you’re looking for a light and fun read, this is just what you’re looking for! But I have to admit that I liked Between The Lines more than Off The Page , anyway  it was still a really good read. So, I would highly recommended reading Between The Lines first because it involves the same characters and all.

This book really is a peek into what happens after “Happily Ever After” and it’s not all that great. Delilah and Oliver still love each other dearly but now Oliver is in the real and high school, Delilah realizes she has to share him with others too. Meanwhile Oliver is doing his best to fit in, though it’s not always that easy.

Along with chapters in Delilah and Oliver’s points of view, there’s also a new one. Edgar . These were my favourite.Why? Because most of them were featured in the fairy tale book. What can I say? I still love fantasy more than contemporary. But it isn't long before things start going wrong for Edgar also. Being the hero also isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

So I mentioned before that I liked the first book more than this one. It was mostly the start of the book that I had a hard time getting into at first. I was a bit annoyed by both Delilah and Oliver, with the way they were acting. As I got closer and closer towards the end it was when I started liking it as much as Between the Lines. 
I also just want to say that I feel really sorry for Edgar and Jules. They had just found each other only to lose each other again. It was for a really good reason but I was shipping them so hard. I can only hope that if there will be another book in this world that they will get to be together somehow. And I was so very sad about this one character dying. Not going to say who but why did this have to happen?

With that said, I also should say that sure, this book is still fun and lighthearted but there were also some hard topics like death in it. Also a lot more kissing. This, however, was very nice!
But I am sorry I can’t finish reading this book as before I mentioned I thoroughly enjoyed Between The Line more than its sequel, Off The Page.

For anyone who wants to try read this book before buying the novel. I  give you the ebook of this novel.. please download it below on the link…Happy reading guys..



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